The Genitive Case - (Possession) The primary use of the Russian genitive case is to show possession. Terms of use       Pay attention to its ending and check the step 2: the table will tell you which is the ending of the adjective in the Genitive (Gen.). We use the Russian for "There is/are no...", which requires Genitive. The Hard Adjectives The hard adjectives have the suffix “-ый”, “-ой”, and “-ий”. Step 1: What is the gender of the noun? Privacy policy     [table] [tr][th]Masculine[/th] [th]Feminine[/th] [th]Neuter[/th] [th]Plural[/th][/tr] [tr][td]-ого[/td] [td]-ой[/td] [td]-ого[/td] [td]-ых[/td][/tr] [/table] You just need to change the ending of the adjective with–ого for masculine, -ой for feminine,-ого for neuter, and –ыхif the noun is plural. In the Genitive Case, for example: The word мама becomes мамы. In order to form the Genitive of an adjective, you will follow these 3 steps:(At the end of this page you will find an explanation on how to read the table, Contact us       Normal Adjectives. The word брат becomes брата. Normal adjectives are those that come before a noun. 81 Shares So, if the noun is in Genitive (Gen.), the adjective must be in Genitive too. In some situations in Russian, you will have to use the Genitive Case. Step 3: See examples of noun + adjective. Adjectives in the Genitive Case In Russian, adjectives agree with the noun in gender, number and case. In English we often indicate this with an apostrophe (‘s), or the word “of”. The Russian genitive case has many functions: we use it to illustrate possession, to talk about a part of something, after numerals, and with certain prepositions such as без (without), для (for, to), после (after) and so on. Russian grammar exercises. However, there is a peculiarity in Russian when counting: though we use the genitive singular on nouns that are numbered 2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 24, etc, we use the genitive pluralfor any adjectives attached to that noun: 1. Normal, Short and Comparative. Adjectives take the number, gender, and case of the noun they modify. So, if the noun is in Genitive (Gen.), the adjective must be in Genitive too. These will almost always end in the letters “-ый” or “-ий” There are 3 main types of Russian adjectives. The dictionary form of a Russian adjective is normally the normal, nominative, masculine form. Three bookshops - Три кни́… Step 2: Examine the adjective in Nominative (Nom.) Additionally, the genitive case is used with quantities, such as many, few, a little, a lot, and several. Is the noun in singular or plural? Copyright © All rights reserved. It is also used for the plural form of cardinal numbers from 5 onwards. Дешёвый(cheap) –> Дешёвого, Дешёвой, Дешёвого, Дешёвых 2. The genitive case is used for the singular form of cardinal numbers 2, 3, and 4. Зеленый (green) –> Зеленого, Зел… If you don’t know yet what cases are, they are basically special endings that we add to a word to indicate its function in a sentence. 1. Level: Intermediate Topic: Adjectives in the genitive case (5) Instructions: Choose the right GENITIVE form of each ADJECTIVE (which could be masculine, feminine or neuter). Examples: - … Grammatically, the definition of possession may be larger than we are used to thinking of in English. Shop - Russian school. To put a word into its genitive form you should add a certain ending to it. and with the right gender and number. Here is a further example of a hard adjective in Russian. Site map       In Russian, adjectives agree with the noun in gender, number and case.