Even if infinity is really big, if there are zero amounts of infinity, that would make zero. This is equivalent to writing zero an infinite number of times and then adding them together. $0$ multiplied by infinity is the question. 0 * infinity What is up? Division by zero (and the equivalent multiplication by infinity… I heard something about ohm's law applied to a circuit with an ideal voltage source (which is only theoretically possible) and having the terminals shorted out and at 0 ohms, resulting in the current going up to infinity? Infinity minus infinity, due to the nature of infinity, can be zero, infinity, or minus infinity (I - I = -I, 0, I). Discussions. I read that it this expression is called an "indeterminate form." It may also have to do with conflicting definitions: generally speaking, for some number n, n * 0 = 0, and n * infinity = infinity. 1? How about 1infinity? Guess not. So what is infinity * 0? 0*infinity =0 (zero squared really is zero; this simplification is legitimate) OK, that's one of the values you accept so we agree. Infinity multiplied by zero results in zero. Because the reason that any number multiplied by infinity is also infinity is because there was something there to start with. This is an amusing game but contributes little to mathematics so those in charge simply banned it. Answer with proof required. Does infinity divided by zero theoretically equal any number other than 0 or infinity? So long as the number system is a field, anything multiplied by $0$ will necessarily give $0$, even if the "anything" is an infinite number. It is undefined. If there is absolutely nothing you can multiply it by anything you like and still get zero. The answer is 0. Tags: math infinity divide zero 0 ohm s law ideal voltage source. Any number multiplied by $0$ is $0$. What is infinity multiplied by zero? It's undefined. Any number multiply by infinity is infinity or indeterminate. Why isn't zero multiplied by infinity equal to zero?