; Chop 8 cookies. Add 3/4 cup chopped cookies to pudding along with the whipped topping; mix well. Beat pudding mix and milk in medium bowl with whisk 2 min. Instructions. Unsere Auswahl ist in unseren Tests ohne Zweifel sehr umfangreich. Obwohl dieser Oreo cookies definitiv eher im höheren Preissegment liegt, findet der Preis sich ohne Zweifel in den Aspekten langer Haltbarkeit und sehr guter Qualität wider. Empty on a platter and enjoy the dip with some cookies; Difficulty Level: Time: 5-6 Minutes . Reserve remaining chopped cookies for later use. Well this dip is not only made from the cookie it’s self but can also add that extra spice into your snack! Recipe Tips. Size Wise Balance out your food choices throughout the day so you can enjoy this delicious treat.. Die ganze OREO Vielfalt entdecken: Ob im Original, extra dünn, doppelt oder als Golden Variante OREO Cookie Sticks 'n Creme Dip 6 x 1 OZ (28g) Oreo Mega Stuffed Chocolate Cookies 13.2 Ounce (Oreo Mega Gefüllte Schokoladenplätzchen 13,2 Unzen) Ever wanted to make a delicious dip for your cookies but just wasn’t satisfied with any store bought dips? Serving Suggestion Serve with additional