Indeterminate – An unbelievably sweet tomato with low acid. Black CherryOrganic Tomato Seed. As the vines would get large, I took suckers and planted new ones and managed to propagate three times, so far. Planting and Growing: Sow seeds in flats 6-8 weeks before the last frost and thin to 2" apart after the first true leaves appear. Minimum of 25 seeds per packet. High yielding. Organic, Non-GMO. Please enter a quantity before adding to wishlist. About 5–6 weeks before transplanting, sow 1/4" deep in 20-row. I will definitely be growing these again next year. Indeterminates likely benefit by removing all suckers under the first strong branch directly below the first flower cluster. Gardening is about the adventure, not the destination. I am so delighted with the taste, my favourite, plants get huge though, over 2 metres. Port Huron, MI 48060. 75 days. These tomatoes are super prolific and super delicious! I absolutely love these, and they have a permanent place in my garden. Fruits are irresistibly delicious with sweet, rich, complex, full tomato flavors that burst in your mouth, characteristic of the best flavorful black tomatoes. These taste amazing fresh and have roasted them, marinated them with basil and garlic as well as pickled them and they are wonderful anyway you have them. Delicious and full of flavor. 2020 was a bad year for tomatoes in my area. Please turn it on so that you can experience the full capabilities of this site. A staple in my garden. Basket-weave by pounding 5–6' stakes every 2–3 plants, using heavier t-posts intermittently and at ends of beds. Great flavor!!! The lack of acid makes their shelf life lower, but worth having around for their deep dark purple/burgundy color, and unique flavor. I single-stem all my tomatoes and these were not very prolific when single-stemmed. Organic Tomato Seed. Tasty tomato. Dusky purple-black fruits burst with rich flavor, sweet and complex. Organic Black Cherry Tomato - Lycopersicon lycopersicum. I ordered 2 packets after trying these from a friends garden last year. PLEASE START INDOORS.*. Product ID: 88G. Fruits ripen gradually from the blossom end to shoulders and from the base of clusters to the tips. Varieties do not need pruning and may be grown with or without support; fruit ripens within a concentrated time period. PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS: Planting Depth: 1/4 inch. Ours had a medium purple color and a wonderful taste. I will definitely grow it again next year but I will try growing it in a cage and not single-stemming to get more fruit. Germination was great and I ended up with 6 healthy plants, I gave two away and planted two in containers and two in my garden. fruits are almost black in color. This easy to grow cherry tomato produces delicious, black/red cherry sized tomatoes on a large vine. View full-size image. To deliver sound fruit, pick less ripe the further the distance and the longer the time between field and customer. The taste was great! This is a great little pop in your mouth cherry tomato. Sweet fruits are often described as having a complex, smoky flavor. Row Spacing: 3-4 feet USDA Certified Organic. Soak the soil 4"-6" deep at 7-day intervals. 40 seeds, unless otherwise noted; plants about 60 feet. Don't start too early—leggy, root-bound, or flowering transplants can cause stunting and reduce early production. Plants ended up very small and I’ve lost most of the fruits to BER, but the color is cool and taste is fine. Grew tall and healthy. We will definitely grow these again next year! The tomatoes are on average 1 oz and can be expected to yield several pounds per plant. We start our seeds indoors and had excellent germination. Beautiful clusters of one inch large tomatoes ripen on indeterminate vines. Bred in Florida by the late Vince Sapp, the round, 15–20 gm. If crop can be both direct-seeded or transplanted, days to maturity refers to direct seeding. Tomatoes typically germinate in 5–7 days. Will grow again. The two in containers are doing well, regular size plants with typical cherry tomato sized fruits, but the two in my garden went absolutely WILD! The flavor is dynamic—much like an heirloom. Johnny's is committed to your success, every step of the way. Indeterminate, 65-75 days from transplant Fast growing and massive production. Thank you Luke, for inspiring me to grow big. I think they were my favorite this year and will definitely grow again! Packet: 40 seeds. Oh and they are super pretty. If you have a lot of vertical space these guys climb wonderfully and provide a lot of fresh tomatoes. We are always adding new things to excite you about gardening. Talk to a Johnny's Grower
Please Note: Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, orders may take 2 business days to process. These actually grew to become Black Plum tomatoes for me; not what the label had said but delicious nonetheless. The 3 plants each grew to 7+ feet tall, held through a pretty gnarly wind storm in late September and were still producing in early Oct (zone 6a). I grew these in a 5 gal grow bag and I had to top it off once it grew taller than 7ft. Black Cherry were by far the best tasting tomatoes I grew this year. Delicious flavor and they seem to grow well in our hot Zone 9a (South Louisiana) heat! Full Sun. This site uses cookies to personalize your experience, measure site performance, and show you relevant offers and advertisements. It also survived powdery mildew and bounced back. Monday - Friday
Add plenty of compost prior to planting. The only truly black cherry tomato. The lack of acid makes their shelf life lower, but worth having around for their deep dark purple/burgundy color, and unique flavor. Fingers crossed! If staking larger fruit with calyx on, consider trimming below shoulders when harvesting. Beautiful on salads, or eaten fresh from the garden. Delicious and add a pop of color to any salad bowl, they have a little two or three tone thing going on. They have a ton of tomatoes that are about the size of golf balls. Heavy producer with tresses of up to 20 tomatoes! The flavor of this tomato is amazing, sweet and rich. My favorite of all cherry type tomatoes. Indeterminate. It was also the last of my 8 different cherry tomato varieties to ripen. These were our most prolific of the smaller tomato varieties we grew this year. High yielding. I’m a novice gardener and thanks to you I decided to grow from seed for the first time. 1.877.564.6697. For short determinates, succession-plant every 4–6 weeks. Hands down the best tasting tomato in my garden, out of more than 20 tomato varieties. 10am-3pm EST
I was actually surprised by these since they held up to recent first frosts somewhat just like Purple Russian tomatoes, and there is one in a five gallon container actually still hanging on finishing ripening one last little tomato even into November. Nice balance of sweet and acid, with a depth of flavor that’s outstanding. These are the one plant I’m really looking forward too this year.