One method of building an effective prayer life includes Bible reading and prayer as complementary parts of one's devotional life. Prayer is the holy privilege of connecting with the God of the universe. It’s absolutely safe to conclude that it’s the most widely used prayer model found in Scripture. There is only one other kingdom that is an extension, apart of God’s kingdom and it is the kingdom of His Son Jesus Christ during the millennium. Prayer is simply communicating with God. It can be a beautiful, desirable time of connection...if you know how to effectively do it. Bookmark the permalink. This entry was posted in Part 2, Purpose of Prayer, Prayer A to Z Excerpts, Zenith of Prayer and tagged Matthew 6:9-13, Our Father in Heaven, prayer, purpose in prayer, purpose of prayer, The disciples' Prayer, The Lord's Prayer. You see in the disciple’s prayer that Jesus taught His followers, they would pray for the coming of God’s kingdom. The Lord's Prayer, also called the Our Father (Latin: Pater Noster), is a central Christian prayer which, according to the New Testament, Jesus taught as the way to pray: . We stand in the middle of a human world where God's will is not the most automatic thing that people do. Here is P.R.A.Y., my 4-part process to prayer: 1. Prayer facilitates this kind of exchange! Yet, if all of existence is God’s kingdom, what does this prayer really mean. To hear from Him. The prayer as a whole tells us we stand in a very vulnerable place. Yes, prayer discovers more of God, and that is the soul's greatest discovery." The Lord’s prayer model is the most famous prayer model found in the Word of God. It's a 2-way conversation that solidifies your relationship with your Creator. To open our heart so He can shape it to match His. Sometimes referred to as "divine reading", it may be compared to feasting on the word of God. It was given by Christ while teaching concerning various subjects about the glorious kingdom of God on the mount. The 5 P’s of the Disciples’ Prayer (aka, the Lord’s Prayer) You won’t find these five words that all start with “P” in the Lord’s prayer. In Matthew 6:9-13 and in Luke 11: 2-4 we read of Jesus teaching his disciples how they should pray. This is known as the Lord’s Prayer. From the Lord's Prayer, Andrew Murray also points out that this approach truly gives honor and glory to God :" 'Hallowed be Thy name.’ There is something here that strikes us at once.